Using a Tracker to Measure Your Goals

“Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.”
― H. James Harrington
We've all heard about goal-setting for success. However, it's not as simple as just writing down a few goals, posting them on your office wall, and checking in on them occasionally.
Achieving your goals is important, but what if you had better ways to measure your progress toward achieving those goals? What if you could measure those goals in multiple dimensions and with greater accuracy? What gets measured, gets done.
Trackers are the most efficient way to see progress on your resolution for anything in life. Consistently measuring and reporting ensures that you remain focused on your goals. This is because it empowers you with the data to make informed decisions on how to achieve your key performance indicators. It is vital for estate agents who are striving to achieve their dreams of financial freedom.
Click here to download my Road Map to 100 for Estate Agents. If you would like to set up a Coffee Date to talk about it, click here.
The overall goal of every agent is to sell properties, and it makes sense that when you track your goals: you’ll be able to measure the effectiveness of your strategy. But here’s the thing: Not all agents use tracking methods to follow up on their goals. Why?
Jerry Seinfeld, one of the most successful American comedians in the world, shared how he maintains consistent improvement with a younger comedian, known as the Seinfeld method or Seinfeld strategy. His approach emphasizes the building up of daily habits that contribute towards the realization of a larger goal. He kept a calendar on which he would tick off each day that he successfully completed his goal. Then he would keep doing it without skipping a single day.
While this is a simple approach, it creates a chain of positive endeavors which compound to produce large positive outcomes in the long-term.
There are diverse trackers that you can use to measure your progress. From journal systems to mobile applications, there are many trackers that you can adopt to suit your needs. Adopting the right tool is important in allowing you to focus on working towards their realization.
One of the most important features to consider is the ability to view progress on both specific goals and overall endeavors. Essentially, a good tracker should keep you accountable by enabling you to measure your progress and stay focused on key metrics.
A good example of an effective tracker is IDoneThis. The app sends an email at the end of a workday and allows the users to note what they have done. Besides providing an overview of the day, it facilitates sharing with team members or a mentor, incentivizing accountability. Sharing your progress with an accountability partner can provide external motivation.
A good tracker will allow you to establish a baseline. This means that you will be able to identify the minimum objectives that must be achieved to stay on track with your goals. It also plays a crucial role in ensuring you understand your average productivity.
The action of measuring your progress can play a crucial role in motivating you to do more. For example, you can push yourself to exceed the levels that you had achieved the day, week or month before. As such, it allows you to determine if you are making progress or not. Tracking can be a powerful motivating force that inspires you to continuously pursue continuous improvement and growth.
Identifying small wins can motivate you to do more and commit towards pursuing bigger goals. Without an effective tracking mechanism, some goals can feel overwhelming.
Tracking allows you to identify problems in your process and opportunities for improving your performance. Besides allowing you to, of course, correct where necessary, it is also effective in helping you to identify cause and effect relationships in your business process. This is important for estate agents who operate in a competitive business environment and have to push themselves to stand out.
Trackers allow you to focus your attention on the most important things. This is essential in light of the hectic lifestyle of most estate agents. Balancing a successful career in real estate and social life can be a challenge for many people. As such, trackers are essential tools in enabling estate agents to manage all the important activities that determine their performance.
Using a tracker is like having a map that allows you to identify where you are relative to where you want to go. This allows you to plan a course of action that increases your ability to succeed. Besides helping you to achieve a high level of self-awareness, trackers are effective in ensuring that you understand the impact of your actions and business practices.
While estate agents are generally self-motivated people, using a tracker will help you create a productivity system that emphasizes consistency, continuous improvement and personal accountability.
Click here to download my Road Map to 100 for Estate Agents. If you would like to set up a Coffee Date to talk about it, click here.